December 2021 Natural Phenomena
I made a scribble on a post-it of an IF condition based on some calculations, as in, “IF a quake occurs 11.29.21, it would fall in the ~5.5+ range or much higher but toward the southern end of California, give or take 24 hours. Southern CA in this case, means the LA area on through Baja, California. Of course I’d love to be more precise on coordinates, and maybe I’ll get there eventually. Again, the focus is on the West Coast only, for now–not the rest of the world.
As a more probable When statement(not an IF), I’d scribbled that there’s likely to be smaller quake activity (4.0+ or less) registering:
(1) off the coastal area of Northern California, ~11.29.21 (+/- 24 hours.)
(2) southern end of CA toward around 12.1.21 through 12.3.21, (give or take 24 hours); [Turned out to be 4.5+]
(3) 4.9+ or greater in the British Vancouver or Juneau area toward 12.2.21, (+/- 24 hours,) ~1 AM-6:30 AM UTC; [Turned out to be 3.1+]
(4) 4.5+ or greater in the Los Angeles area downward through San Diego toward 12.5.21 (+/- 24 hours) OR, more likely toward this subset: (a) 12.19.21 (+/- 24 hours.) (b) 1.17.22 (+/- 24 hours).
All of this is based in mathematics.
Early this morning there was a 7.5+ quake near Barranca, Peru, 11.28.21. What’s interesting is that I did note the IF condition for 11.29.21 +/- 24 hours, it would be an event of larger magnitude.
This morning I googled and found this article, which I did not see because I was looking at my maths only. Two small quakes 4.1+ and 3.5+, did occur off the coastal area of Northern California but on Friday, 11.26.21 and 11.27.21.
So let’s revisit this all later.
[12.4.21 Update: Large magnitude quakes [6.0+} forthcoming in 2022, though I’m sure we’ll see a couple more for 2021 just yet: 1.17-18.22 and toward 3.2.22. Where? That’s for another post–I need to do the work.]
[1.19.22 Update: Tonga quake and tsunami occurred 1.16.22]